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H O L O T O P I A    P R O T O T Y P E


Without giving it a thought, we adopted from the traditional culture a myth incomparably more subversive than the myth of creation. Still today, this myth serves as the foundation stone on which our culture has been erected.

The fact that the reality myth sneaked through our rational checks and balances can hardly be surprising. When I type "worldviews", my word processor complains; since there is only one world, there can be only one worldview—the one that corresponds to reality. The reality myth is hard-coded in our language; it permeates our culture.


We have come to the very heart of our matter—our culture's invisible foundations. Our analysis of those foundations is in two parts; we here take up the values, which determine what we consider worth preserving, creating, knowing and acting on. Related to the narrow frame insight we take up the language, the method and other tools which decide what can and can not be built, preserved and considered as "culture".

Recall that we are developing an analogy with Galilei's time and conditions, in response to Aurelio Peccei's diagnoses and recommendations. There can be no doubt that what was going on in Galilei's time was exactly the kind of change that Peccei's calls to action were pointing to. Galilei stands here in an iconic role—representing for us the idea that the reason can be empowered to challenge the conventional wisdom, and the time-honored truths written in the Scripture. Could a similar advent be in store for us today?

We are about to see not only a positive answer to that question—but also that this answer follows logically from the information we already own.

In addition to design and tradition, we define and use here another pair of keywords, epistemology and socialization. They will enable us to talk about our theme (how we know that something is "true" or "good" etc.). One might say that the tradition evolves and functions by socialization; and that a post-traditional culture must rely on epistemology. That would be a useful simplification—but an oversimplification none the less.

So let us rather recognize that socialization is and has always been the way in which the human cultures operate. Already in the cradle, and long before our capacity to reflect about those matters has grown, we adopt from our parents patterns of speech and behavior. At school, through innumerably many carrots and sticks, we learn to distinguish between "right" and "wrong". It is best to understand a culture as we understand an ecosystem—where everything depends on everything else; and whose wholeness can be disrupted by human action.

Notice that tradition is our ideal keyword. A culture is by definition capable of producing wholeness through spontaneous evolution, by trial and error and the survival of the fittest. The question is whether we are still capable of doing that, in the post-traditional culture we've created.

Facing now the perennial creative challenge—to undo the effects of our socialization, we may feel sympathy toward Galilei, Darwin and other iconic figures of the scientific tradition. They risked their reputation, and sometimes their very lives, acting as the informed reason demanded—while not only their socialized others, but also their socialized selves were telling them that they were wrong!

The meaning of epistemology may best be explained by looking at the academic tradition through the stories of the two main ions we here chose to represent it, Socrates and Galilei. A closer look will that both were instances of the empowerment of reason to disobey the socialization; and create a new—free and evolving, yet more solid—way to knowledge. Is the contemporary academia still capable of continuing this tradition, by acting accordingly when the circumstances demand that?

Was the Enlightenment's rebellion against the tradition, which still continues today, a disruption of nature-like or paradise-like wholeness?

Or was it a rebellion against a human order of things where people were socialized to obey the kings and the clergy, which kept the evolution in check?

Our point is that it was both. Or more precisely—that to see what has happened to us, and what we need to do now, we need to see our culture's evolution that resulted in the Englightenment in those two ways.

Myths and Errors

"Truth" means "correspondence with reality"

First of all that there is such a thing; and second that it is knowable, and provable.

Information must show us "the reality"

The purpose of information, and the value of information, is to be decided on one criterion alone—whether it shows us "the reality" in an "objectively true" way or not. That this is what distinguishes "real" or "good" information, from nonsense and deception.

A closely related error is to ignore implicit information (in academia, legislature, ethics...), and focus solely on information that explicitly claims something.


The evolution of knowledge of knowledge has brought us into this situation; in front of the metaphorical mirror.

This metaphor has several connotations:

  • Seeing ourselves; from a situation where we believed (had every reason to believe, or it appeared so) that what we see (with our eyes, our reason, and the refined instruments of science) is the reality, we have evolved to see how we construct what we see; seeing the limits of our seeing, and knowing
  • Seeing ourselves in the world; in a human world that is in a completely new situation, and has completely new needs, than when during the Enlightenment and the Scientific and Industrial Revolution, when our present foundations took shape
Our situation demands that we, first of all, self-reflect. And then find a way to continue further not by avoiding the mirror, but by (metaphorically, of course) going through it.

The substance of our KF proposal, as already noted, is a complete prototype of an academic reality on the other side of the mirror. What we are talking about here is how to 'go through'.

The Mirror idogram

The academia has the prerogative to guide us through the mirror. (Assuming that Peccei was right), it holds the key to our future.

By adopting the rational foundation that the Enlightenment left us, we became able to know, collectively, that women can't fly on broomsticks. Innumerably many superstitions and prejudices were dispelled.

But we have also thrown out the baby with the bathwater. We have no foundation on which we can preserve the traditional heritage. And no foundation for reconstituting the myriad functions of a culture, and hence the wholeness that the traditional culture (we assume) represented.

Consequently, we have abandoned the production of culture to counterculture; to advertisers, political propaganda, superficial interests... We are now molded by those interests. What they need is not "human development"; they mold us to be sheepish, selfish and obedient.


Four courses of action follow from the self-reflection in front of the mirror.

Truth by convention

A new 'Archimedean point', to replace old formulas such as Descartes' "cogito", and Galilei's "Eppur si muove". We need it to once again give knowledge the power to 'move the world'.

Design epistemology

This new epistemology is roughly what the Modernity ideogram, the bus with candle headlights is saying: Information (and the way we handle it) is a piece in a larger whole; and it must be treated accordingly.

Information as "recorded experience

Information, according to this definition, reflects not "reality" but human experience.

Furthermore, anything that records experience is (or can be considered as) information. A chair is information because it embodies the experience about sitting, and chair making. This definition, of course, includes, rituals, myths, customs, values and so many other elements of the tradition as potentially containing valuable information</p>

Knowledge federation

The prototype we proposed is of an 'evolutionary organ', which the academia may use to federate information into systemic change, in culture and beyond. The Holotopia prototype is of course an example.



Story 1



Story 2




Action 1


Action 2


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