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<p>The <em>five insights</em> here present us with a context within which age-old themes and challenges can be explored and understood in a completely new way—<em>in the context of</em> the emerging <em>paradigm</em>, the <em>holotopia</em>. Hence we here, in this context, open the dialogs on fifteen most timely themes—which we label by the <em>five insights</em>, and their ten direct relationships. Since we've already seen the insights, it remains to name the relationships.</p>
<p>The <em>five insights</em> here present us with a context within which age-old themes and challenges can be explored and understood in a completely new way—<em>in the context of</em> the emerging <em>paradigm</em>, the <em>holotopia</em>. Hence we here, in this context, open the dialogs on fifteen most timely themes—which we label by the <em>five insights</em>, and their ten direct relationships. Since we've already seen the insights, it remains to name the relationships.</p>
<p>The black arrows (starting from <em>convenience paradox</em>):</p>
<p>The black arrows (starting from <em>convenience paradox</em>):</p>
* CP—>PS: Deep Ecology—Ethical Foundations for Sustainability
* CP—>PS: From Zero to One—The Future of Happiness
<small>Norway's philosopher and public intellectual Arne Næss is credited for contributing to "deep ecology" an initial theory and this name. The founding president of The Club of Rome Aurelio Peccei postulated, as his final message to mankind, that "human development is the most important goal". What they share, of course also with others, is the insight that we are not going to engineer the "solutions to our problems"; that <em>we</em>, and our values, need to change. An aim of this <em>dialog</em> is to develop an <em>informed</em> approach to ethics—whereby (we propose) <em>egocenteredness</em> as value is replaced by <em>wholeness</em>. The point is to see how this <em>deeper</em> change follows from the knowledge we own—and leads to "a great cultural revival". </small>
<small><p>All we know about happiness is in the interval between zero (complete misery) and one ("normal" happiness); but what about the rest? What about the happiness between one and plus infinity?</p>  
<p>This conversation is about the humanity's best kept secret; and about the challenge to reveal it, by <em>federating</em> the experience of those who have explored this realm.</p>  
* PS—>CM: Augmenting our Collective IQ—Public Informing and the Future of Democracy
* PS—>CM: Cybernetics and the Future of Democracy
<small>Having decided to direct his career as it wold best benefit the mankind, Douglas Engelbart concluded that "augmenting our collective IQ" would be the best way to do that. Combining the systems or the cybernetic view (developed here as the <em>power structure</em> insight) with the capabilities new information technology (the <em>collective mind</em>) gives us a solid and most promising platform for changing our collective mind. Without suitable communication–and–control, <em>nobody</em> is in control, and "democracy" is only a fiction. The Wiener–Jantsch–Reagan <em>thread</em>, detailed in Federation through Conversations, provides us a suitable springboard story. </small>
<small>Without suitable communication–and–control, <em>nobody</em> is in control, and "democracy" is only a fiction. The Wiener–Jantsch–Reagan <em>thread</em>, detailed in Federation through Conversations, provides us a suitable springboard story. </small>
* CM—>SR: <em>Ludens</em>—A Recent History of Humankind
* CM—>SR: Ludens—A <em>Recent</em> History of Humankind
<small>While we may be biologically equipped to evolve as the <em>homo sapiens</em>, we have in recent decades devolved culturally as the <em>homo ludens</em>, man the (game) player—who shuns knowledge and merely learns his various roles, and plays them out competitively. The Nietzsche–Ehrlich–Giddens <em>thread</em>, detailed in Federation through Conversations, will provide a suitable start.</small>
<small>While we may be biologically equipped to evolve as the <em>homo sapiens</em>, we have in recent decades devolved culturally as the <em>homo ludens</em>, man the (game) player—who shuns knowledge and merely learns his various roles, and plays them out competitively. The Nietzsche–Ehrlich–Giddens <em>thread</em>, detailed in Federation through Conversations, will provide a suitable start.</small>
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<small>However it might appear today, the original purpose of the <em>academia</em> (which we define as "the institutionalized academic tradition") is <em>not</em> the pursuit of "symbolic power", or academic careers. On the contrary—since its inception, its purpose has been to provide an antidote to the <em>homo ludens</em> devolution, by developing knowledge work and knowledge based on <em>knowledge of knowledge</em>. Could a similar advent be in store for us today? The <em>socialized reality</em> and the <em>narrow frame</em> insights will provide us a suitable context for proactively answering this question. The <em>vignettes</em> about Socrates and Galilei (founding fathers of Academia, and of science) will give us a head start.</small>
<small>However it might appear today, the original purpose of the <em>academia</em> (which we define as "the institutionalized academic tradition") is <em>not</em> the pursuit of "symbolic power", or academic careers. On the contrary—since its inception, its purpose has been to provide an antidote to the <em>homo ludens</em> devolution, by developing knowledge work and knowledge based on <em>knowledge of knowledge</em>. Could a similar advent be in store for us today? The <em>socialized reality</em> and the <em>narrow frame</em> insights will provide us a suitable context for proactively answering this question. The <em>vignettes</em> about Socrates and Galilei (founding fathers of Academia, and of science) will give us a head start.</small>
* NP—>CP: Liberation—The Future of Religion
* NP—>CP: From Zero to One—The Future of Education
<small>In the traditional societies, religion has played the all-important role of connecting the people to an ethical purpose, and to each other. While discussing the consequences of the <em>narrow frame</em> (the narrow conceptual frame and way of looking at the world that our society adopted from the 19th century science), Heisenberg singled out the destruction of religion and the erosion of values. Can this trend be reversed? Imagine a world where instead of religions quarreling with one another, and the rest of us quarreling with religion—we <em>evolve</em> religion, so that we may learn from <em>all</em> traditions; and so that we may <em>all</em> benefit and evolve further. We offer the strategy to <em>re-evolve</em> <em>religion</em>, knowledge-based, as a natural antidote to religion-inspired hatred, terrorism and politics. The story of Buddhadasa's rediscovery of the Buddha's original insight will be a natural way to begin.</small>  
<small><p>Our troubles may well be reduced to a single, very basic error: We've adopted from the traditional culture an approach to education which is on the surface stuffing young people with data, and 'deep down'  <em>socializing</em> them into a <em>paradigm</em>. Here <em>socialization</em> means replacing the young people's natural curiosity and creativity by boredom and obedience.</p>  
<p>Can we envision, and even begin to implement, an education that develops "the human quality", as Peccei would have it? The combination of (a resolution of) the <em>socialized reality</em>, with (a resolution of) the <em>convenience paradox</em> will provide a fertile context for developing this conversation, and the corresponding line of action. </p></small>
<p>The yellow arrows (starting from <em>convenience paradox</em>):</p>  
<p>The yellow arrows (starting from <em>convenience paradox</em>):</p>  
* CP—>CM: Humanity's Best Kept Secret—Happiness between One and Plus Infinity
<small>How shall I say this...? Perhaps a good place to begin might be to talk about planting and watering a seed, as the metaphor by which we defined <em>cultivation</em>, and <em>culture</em>. And then to observe that while the results of an <em>outer</em> cultivation (a rice field, an orchard full of savory apples...) are plain for everyone to see, the results of an <em>inner</em> cultivation can hardly be experienced, or communicated. In the shadow of our failure to communicate about this uniquely important theme, we find a jewel of an insight, pointing to a most spectacular opportunity to improve our condition. Our challenge, and opportunity, is to perceive and develop the range of happiness between one (happiness as we know it) and plus infinity (the kinds and the ranges of happiness we have never experienced, and don't even know they exist). A combination of <em>convenience paradox</em> (understanding that our way to happiness must be informed), and <em>collective mind</em> (systematic refinement and communication of culturally important insights) will provide a suitable context. </small>  
* CP—>CM: How to Begin the Next Renaissance
<small>Here we have a leverage point par excellence; and a natural way to begin.</small>  
* PS—>SR: How to Put an end to War
* PS—>SR: How to Put an end to War
<small>Alfred Nobel had the right idea: Empower the creative people and their ideas, and the humanity's all-sided progress will naturally be secured. But our creativity, when applied to the cause of peace, has largely favored the palliative approaches (resolving specific conflicts and improving specific situations), and ignoring those more interesting <em>curative</em> ones. What would it take to <em>really</em> put an end to war—once and for all? A combination of the <em>power structure</em> insight and the <em>socialized reality</em> insight will help us see <em>why</em> this is realistically possible. The Chomsky–Harari–Graeber <em>thread</em>, discussed in Federation through Conversations, will give us a head start.</small>  
<small>Alfred Nobel had the right idea: Empower the creative people and their ideas, and the humanity's all-sided progress will naturally be secured. But our creativity, when applied to the cause of peace, has largely favored the palliative approaches (resolving specific conflicts and improving specific situations), and ignoring those more interesting <em>curative</em> ones. What would it take to <em>really</em> put an end to war—once and for all? A combination of the <em>power structure</em> insight and the <em>socialized reality</em> insight will help us see <em>why</em> this is realistically possible. The Chomsky–Harari–Graeber <em>thread</em>, discussed in Federation through Conversations, will give us a head start.</small>  
* CM—>NF: The Largest Contribution to Human Knowledge
* CM—>NF: The Largest Contribution to Knowledge
<small>If you've followed us thus far, you may have already understood why that the <em>systemic</em> contributions to human knowledge (improvements of the 'algorithm' by which knowledge is handled in our society and in all walks of life) are likely to be incomparably larger than any <em>specific</em> contributions of knowledge. A fine important point is that a real breakthrough in this all-important domain needs to include <em>both</em> the social process and the method by which knowledge is handled—because they are the yin and the yang of knowledge work. Hence the <em>collective mind</em> and the <em>narrow frame</em> insight—and especially the ways in which we propose to handle them—will provide us exactly the right context for this quest.</small>  
<small>If you've followed us thus far, you may have already understood why that the <em>systemic</em> contributions to human knowledge (improvements of the 'algorithm' by which knowledge is handled in our society and in all walks of life) are likely to be incomparably larger than any <em>specific</em> contributions of knowledge. A fine important point is that a real breakthrough in this all-important domain needs to include <em>both</em> the social process and the method by which knowledge is handled—because they are the yin and the yang of knowledge work. Hence the <em>collective mind</em> and the <em>narrow frame</em> insight—and especially the ways in which we propose to handle them—will provide us exactly the right context for this quest.</small>  
* SR—>CP: In Conversation with Noah—The Future of Education
* SR—>CP: Liberation—The Future of Religion
<p><small>Our troubles may well be reduced to a single, very basic error: We've adopted from the traditional culture an approach to education which is on the surface stuffing young people with data, and 'deep down'  <em>socializing</em> them into a <em>paradigm</em>. Here <em>socialization</em> means replacing the young people's natural curiosity and creativity by boredom and obedience.</small></p>  
<small>In the traditional societies, religion has played the all-important role of connecting the people to an ethical purpose, and to each other. While discussing the consequences of the <em>narrow frame</em> (the narrow conceptual frame and way of looking at the world that our society adopted from the 19th century science), Heisenberg singled out the destruction of religion and the erosion of values. Can this trend be reversed? Imagine a world where instead of religions quarreling with one another, and the rest of us quarreling with religion—we <em>evolve</em> religion, so that we may learn from <em>all</em> traditions; and so that we may <em>all</em> benefit and evolve further. We offer the strategy to <em>re-evolve</em> <em>religion</em>, knowledge-based, as a natural antidote to religion-inspired hatred, terrorism and politics. The story of Buddhadasa's rediscovery of the Buddha's original insight will be a natural way to begin.</small>  
<p> <small> Can we envision, and even begin to implement, an education that develops "the human quality", as Peccei would have it? The combination of (a resolution of) the <em>socialized reality</em>, with (a resolution of) the <em>convenience paradox</em> will provide a fertile context for developing this conversation, and the corresponding line of action.</small> </p>
* NF—>PS: Beyond Capitalism and Communism—The Future of Politics
* NF—>PS: Collaboration and the Future of Politics
<small>The story here is really about the <em>power structure</em> as a model of the intuitive notion of "power holder" or "enemy", and the various consequences of this view. The long story made short—we will here talk about the possibility of transcending the "us against them" approach to political thought and action altogether; and developing an approach where <em>all of us</em> collaborate to find remedies to the <em>power structure</em> issue. The context for this timely effort is here provided by combining the (resolution to) <em>narrow frame</em> issue, where (instead of reifying the age-old patterns of thought and action) we create completely new ways of seeing and speaking; and the (resolution to) <em>power structure</em> issue, where we see that our common future lies in the re-creation of "the systems in which we live and work", by <em>being</em> the new systems.</small>  
<small>The story here is really about the <em>power structure</em> as a model of the intuitive notion of "power holder" or "enemy", and the various consequences of this view. The long story made short—we will here talk about the possibility of transcending the "us against them" approach to political thought and action altogether; and developing an approach where <em>all of us</em> collaborate to find remedies to the <em>power structure</em> issue. The context for this timely effort is here provided by combining the (resolution to) <em>narrow frame</em> issue, where (instead of reifying the age-old patterns of thought and action) we create completely new ways of seeing and speaking; and the (resolution to) <em>power structure</em> issue, where we see that our common future lies in the re-creation of "the systems in which we live and work", by <em>being</em> the new systems.</small>  
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* <b>Back to [[holotopia]]</b>
* <b>Back to [[holotopia]]</b>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>Seeing things whole</h4></div>
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<p>The point, the absolutely <em>main</em> point here, is the change of the way we look at things. We leave our traditional candles aside, and use the flashlight. <em>What do we see</em>?</p>
<p>Each of these <em>five insights</em> is a result of applying this this way of looking to a bundle of core issues—and seeing them in a <em>completely</em> new light. We are also building the analogy between our own time and the time of Galilei. So...</p>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The next Renaissance</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>The Renaissance liberated our ancestors to seek happiness here and now. The arts blossomed, the daily culture changed beyond recognition. Can we experience something similar now? And if so – HOW?</p>
<p>What is it that we failed to see in the light of the candle? First of all the <em>inner</em>—our very <em>ability to feel</em>. And then the <em>long-term</em>—how what we do influences our happiness in the long run. You may be glad to hear that those two are really two sides of a single coin!</p>
<p>See the [[Holotopia:Convenience Paradox insight|Convenience Paradox]] insight.</p>
</div> </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The next Industrial Revolution</h4></div>
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<p>Is a <em>radical</em> increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of human work <em>still</em> possible (analogous to what resulted by the Industrial Revoluton)? And if so—how could we fail to see that?</p>
<p>We focused on making the already small things even smaller. And smarter. And neglected completely those <em>huge</em> and far more important ones: <em>the systems in which we live and work</em>!</p>
<p>See the [[Holotopia:Power Structure insight|Power Structure]] insight.</p>
</div> </div>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The next Gutenberg</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>Some researchers ascribe all of it Gutenberg: It was the revolution in <em>communication</em> that enabled the spreading of knowledge, literacy, education — and all the rest followed. Can you imagine a similar revolution in communication, with similar consequences, happening once again in our time? "But wait a minute," you might say, "hasn't such a revolution just recently happened? <em>What else</em> is there that could still surprise us?"</p>
<p>We look at the <em>algorithm</em>. If you think of the Web as a kind of a gigantic machine, call it a computer, connecting us all—the question is <em>what program is this thing running</em>? Is it efficient? Is it at all <em>working</em>? So yes, the 'hardware' is now in place. And the 'software' is yet to be created...</p>
<p>See the [[Holotopia:Collective Mind insight|Collective Mind]] insight.</p>
</div> </div>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The next Enlightenment</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>And now the deep root, the point of it all. What <em>really</em> fueled the big change was a change in the very foundations of things. That was also the reason why Galilei was in house arrest. It was his claim that when the reason contradicts the Scriptures it might still be legitimate to listen to the reason that was the most disruptive and dangerous piece in it all. Everything else followed. Can you imagine <em>that</em> sort of change happening in our time?</p>
<p>The way of looking now is to see the foundations of our culture. The hidden judgment what's "true", "good", "right"...</p>
<p>See the [[Holotopia:Socialized Reality insight|Socialized Reality]] insight.</p>
</div> </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The next science</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>Science, of course, was the engine of development. Understanding the nature, understanding ourselves and the world, in completely new terms, incomparably more accurate and precise. Is a revolution here too possible—in the very way in which we look at the world?</p>
<p>We look at our very way of looking. We look at our 'eyeglasses'...</p>
<p>See the [[Holotopia:Narrow Frame|Narrow Frame]] insight.</p>
</div> </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The insights</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>Each of these <em>five insights</em> leads to a <em>gestalt</em> change related to a collection of interests or issues; and to a  change of the perception and the handling of those interests or issues. Hence each of them provides a vivid, moving snapshot of the <em>holotopia</em>'s overall Renaissance scenario: Our contemporary condition is seen in a similar light as we might see the mindset of the Middle Ages. Change becomes imperative. </p>
<p>Each insight is reached by illuminating some whole. Each insight reinforces [[wholeness|<em>wholeness</em>]] as value. Hence each insight independently of others supports the basic premises of [[holotopia|<em>holotopia</em>]] and [[holoscope|<em>holoscope</em>]]. </p> 
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>Relationships among insights</h4></div>
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<p>At the same time, the causal relationships between these insights show that the corresponding problems create one another. That together they form a vicious cycle. The synergistic relationships between them show that resolving one would imply or require, resolving the next in line. Hence we see that while each of the specific insights calls for a profound change of perception and action in a certain area – that specific change becomes possible, or even easy, only in the context of the comprehensive change. A clear vision of [[holotopia|<em>holotopia</em>]] results.  </p> </div> </div>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>Links to details</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''Acr'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''Insight'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''Domain'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''Causes'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''Enables'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''PS'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Power structure insight|Power structure]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  Innovation, global issues, democracy
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Who made up our mind|PS ➡︎ CM]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[First step to liberation|PS ➯ SR]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''CM'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Collective mind insight|Collective mind]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  Media, IT, communication, knowledge work
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Why the homo ludens propsered|CM ➡︎ SR]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[The knowledge we need|CM ➯ NF]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''SR'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Socialized reality insight|Socialized reality]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  Epistemology
| style="padding: 10px" | [[Reification is limitation|SR ➡︎ NF]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Steps toward cultural revival|SR ➯ CP]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''NF'''
| style="padding: 10px" | [[Narrow frame insight|Narrow frame]]
| style="padding: 10px" | Worldview
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Fool's gold|NF ➡︎ CP]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Look who's hiding in the dark|NF ➯ PS]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  '''CP'''
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Convenience paradox insight|Convenience paradox]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  Values, culture, pursuit of happiness, religion
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[There is no invisible hand|CP ➡︎ PS]]
| style="padding: 10px" |  [[Regaining sanity|CP ➯ CM]]
</div> </div>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The next Englightenment</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>The five insights complete the vision of an Englightenment-like change:
<ul> <li> The <em>convenience paradox</em> evokes a parallel with the Renaissance, where a radical change of values empowered our ancestors to pursue happiness in <em>this</em> world; and to develop the arts, relationships, ways to be human</li>
<li>The <em>power structure</em> should remind of the Industrial Revolution, which brought a dramatic improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of human work; and also of the advent of the democracy and other great institutional innovations</li>
<li>The <em>collective mind</em> is about a development analogous to the invention of the printing press, and the corresponding revolution in knowledge and communication</li>
<li>The <em>socialized reality</em> points to a change analogous to the dramatic improvement of the <em>foundations</em> on which truth and meaning are constructed—and then of course all the rest</li>
<li>The <em>narrow frame</em> should remind of the advent of science</li>
<p>So the bottom two should remind of the development that Galilei in house arrest stands for—where the spontaneous evolution of knowledge of knowledge brings forth a new revolutionary, disruptive change; the upper three insights point to the sweeping consequences that such change may now bring along.</p>
</div> </div>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>Perceiving relationships</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
[[File:Power Structure.jpg]]
<p>This most central, "bonus" insight result when we put all the above insights together.</p> 
<p>Rendered by the <em>power structure</em> <em>keyword</em> and <em>ideogram</em> is that the <em>power structure</em> should best be considered as combining power interests with our ideas and with our own condition. The point is that the power interests can modify both.</p>
<p>As a [[keyword|<em>keyword</em>]], the [[power structures|<em>power structure</em>]] models the intuitive notions "enemy", and "power holder".</p>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>Perceiving evolution</h4></div>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p>The [[power structures|<em>power structure</em>]] model is completed by including insights about the evolution of our institutions or socio-technical systems, or <em>power structures</em>: When guided by <em>egocenteredness</em>, or by "free market" or "free competition", the <em>power structures</em> result naturally. They tend to evolve pathologically, as socio-cultural cancer...</p>
<p>The enemy is the system – which is us! There is nobody to blame. Re-evolution is the way. </p>
<p>Instead of trusting "the invisible hand" – we consider ourselves liable for systemic wholeness. We use our creative powers NOT as the market demands – but to ensure systemic wholeness.</p>
<p>Corrective action is [[bootstrapping|<em>bootstrapping</em>]]!</p>
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>The bottom line</h4></div>
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<p>We may now easily see why white (as, we tentatively assume, the [[holotopia|<em>holotopia</em>]]'s all-inclusive color) is not only the new black – but indeed also the new green! And the new red!</p>
<p>Vibeke didn't like this (private joke of mine), yet she may...</p>
But seek ye first the systemic wholeness,
in all matters and on all levels detail;
and all these things shall be added unto you.
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<div class="col-md-3"><h4>Or in other words</h4></div>
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<p>This young man might <em>seem</em> to be a fool. But his archetype is indeed the one of <em>wisdom</em>! By looking at the big picture, at the whole thing, by using the golden rule of <em>wholeness</em> – he succeeds in handling the everyday complexities effortlessly and <em>more</em> effectively!</p> </div>
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* Back to [[holotopia]]

Revision as of 15:29, 5 April 2020

Federating the holotopia


The holotopia vision is made concrete in terms of five insights.

A natural way to introduce a new paradigm is to explore the analogy with a historical precedent. This strategy has been taken in Holoscope.org, and we here develop it further.

The holotopia vision is made concrete or federated in terms of five insights. Together, they show why a comprehensive paradigm shift is ready to take place in our time, by exploring specific five insights that are ready to emerge in pivotal areas of interest—as soon as we begin to connect the dots:

The Renaissance liberated our ancestors from a religious dogma, and empowered them to seek and experience the joy of living here and now. The lifestyle changed, and the arts blossomed. Could a similar advent be in store for us today?

We use knowledge to illuminate what has remained obscure: the way our own inner condition and our cultural and natural environments influence the way we feel, and our very ability to feel; and how our handling changes those conditions—in the long run.

  • The Power Structure insight points to a revolution in innovation, on the scale of the Industrial Revolution, by which human work will be made incomparably more effective and efficient

We look at what remained ignored: the "systems in which we live and work" (which we'll here call simply systems). Think of those systems as gigantic mechanisms, comprising people and technology. Their purpose is to take everyone's daily work as input, and turn it into socially useful effects.</p>

If in spite the technology we are still as busy as were—should we not see if our systems might be wasting our time?

And if the effect of our best efforts turns out to be problems rather than solutions—should we not check whether those systems might be causing us problems?

  • The Collective Mind insight points to a revolution in communication, analogous to the advent of the printing press

In effect, the network-interconnected interactive digital media have connected us all together in a similar way as the nervous system connects together the cells in an organism. We look at the process which we use, as cells, to process the knowledge together. How does our collective mind work?

Our civilization is like an overgrown organism, so poorly coordinated that it presents a danger to its environment, and to itself. It has recently acquired a nervous system, which could help its organs coordinate their action; but its cells have not yet learned how to use it.

  • The Socialized Reality insight is about a new foundation on which the truth and the meaning are developed, and a possibility for a quantum leap in awareness, similar to the Enlightenment

Without thinking, from the traditional culture we've adopted a myth, incomparably more subversive than the myth of creation—the myth that the purpose of knowledge is to show us "the reality" as it truly is.

The insight that we are constructing rather than "discovering" is now so well documented and so widely accepted, that we may consider it the state of the art in science and philosophy. But that's only one half of the story.

The other half is that the reality construction has been the tool of choice of traditional socialization—which has been the leading source of renegade power.

  • The Narrow Frame insight is about a new way to explore the reality, with similar consequences as the once that science had

We here look at our 'eyeglasses'; we look at the very way in which we see the world.

Once we've seen that the scientific concepts and methods are our own creation—we become empowered to create new ways of looking at the world, in order to see more.

We can create the way we see the world!

Holotopia as a whole

While each of the five insights brings forth a spectacular development taking place imperceptibly slowly in our present time, considered together they afford an even more spectacular sight—of a complete new paradigm that is ready to emerge. The point here is to see that the five insights and the changes they are pointing to and demanding are so closely related to each other, that it is easiest and most natural to consider them as one single whole. And that the natural strategy is to change that whole as a whole.

It is an easy exercise, to begin with, to see that the black arrows in the above ideogram can be interpreted as signifying direct consequences. One thing leads to another! Together, they form a vicious cycle—within which the contemporary issues we are witnessing are perpetually recreated. Already this may be sufficient to see the holotopia's main insight—that comprehensive change can be easy, even when smaller changes appear to be impossible.

The yellow arrows point to synergistic relationships. They show why the two insights or issues they connect may be perceived as two sides of a single coin.

Holotopia as a conversation

The holotopia is, however, not about one-way communication. The shift to a new paradigm definitely demands audience participation.

The five insights here present us with a context within which age-old themes and challenges can be explored and understood in a completely new way—in the context of the emerging paradigm, the holotopia. Hence we here, in this context, open the dialogs on fifteen most timely themes—which we label by the five insights, and their ten direct relationships. Since we've already seen the insights, it remains to name the relationships.

The black arrows (starting from convenience paradox):

  • CP—>PS: From Zero to One—The Future of Happiness

All we know about happiness is in the interval between zero (complete misery) and one ("normal" happiness); but what about the rest? What about the happiness between one and plus infinity?

This conversation is about the humanity's best kept secret; and about the challenge to reveal it, by federating the experience of those who have explored this realm.

  • PS—>CM: Cybernetics and the Future of Democracy

Without suitable communication–and–control, nobody is in control, and "democracy" is only a fiction. The Wiener–Jantsch–Reagan thread, detailed in Federation through Conversations, provides us a suitable springboard story.

  • CM—>SR: Ludens—A Recent History of Humankind

While we may be biologically equipped to evolve as the homo sapiens, we have in recent decades devolved culturally as the homo ludens, man the (game) player—who shuns knowledge and merely learns his various roles, and plays them out competitively. The Nietzsche–Ehrlich–Giddens thread, detailed in Federation through Conversations, will provide a suitable start.

  • SR—>NP: Transdisciplinary Research and the Future of Academia

However it might appear today, the original purpose of the academia (which we define as "the institutionalized academic tradition") is not the pursuit of "symbolic power", or academic careers. On the contrary—since its inception, its purpose has been to provide an antidote to the homo ludens devolution, by developing knowledge work and knowledge based on knowledge of knowledge. Could a similar advent be in store for us today? The socialized reality and the narrow frame insights will provide us a suitable context for proactively answering this question. The vignettes about Socrates and Galilei (founding fathers of Academia, and of science) will give us a head start.

  • NP—>CP: From Zero to One—The Future of Education

Our troubles may well be reduced to a single, very basic error: We've adopted from the traditional culture an approach to education which is on the surface stuffing young people with data, and 'deep down' socializing them into a paradigm. Here socialization means replacing the young people's natural curiosity and creativity by boredom and obedience.

Can we envision, and even begin to implement, an education that develops "the human quality", as Peccei would have it? The combination of (a resolution of) the socialized reality, with (a resolution of) the convenience paradox will provide a fertile context for developing this conversation, and the corresponding line of action.

The yellow arrows (starting from convenience paradox):

  • CP—>CM: How to Begin the Next Renaissance

Here we have a leverage point par excellence; and a natural way to begin.

  • PS—>SR: How to Put an end to War

Alfred Nobel had the right idea: Empower the creative people and their ideas, and the humanity's all-sided progress will naturally be secured. But our creativity, when applied to the cause of peace, has largely favored the palliative approaches (resolving specific conflicts and improving specific situations), and ignoring those more interesting curative ones. What would it take to really put an end to war—once and for all? A combination of the power structure insight and the socialized reality insight will help us see why this is realistically possible. The Chomsky–Harari–Graeber thread, discussed in Federation through Conversations, will give us a head start.

  • CM—>NF: The Largest Contribution to Knowledge

If you've followed us thus far, you may have already understood why that the systemic contributions to human knowledge (improvements of the 'algorithm' by which knowledge is handled in our society and in all walks of life) are likely to be incomparably larger than any specific contributions of knowledge. A fine important point is that a real breakthrough in this all-important domain needs to include both the social process and the method by which knowledge is handled—because they are the yin and the yang of knowledge work. Hence the collective mind and the narrow frame insight—and especially the ways in which we propose to handle them—will provide us exactly the right context for this quest.

  • SR—>CP: Liberation—The Future of Religion

In the traditional societies, religion has played the all-important role of connecting the people to an ethical purpose, and to each other. While discussing the consequences of the narrow frame (the narrow conceptual frame and way of looking at the world that our society adopted from the 19th century science), Heisenberg singled out the destruction of religion and the erosion of values. Can this trend be reversed? Imagine a world where instead of religions quarreling with one another, and the rest of us quarreling with religion—we evolve religion, so that we may learn from all traditions; and so that we may all benefit and evolve further. We offer the strategy to re-evolve religion, knowledge-based, as a natural antidote to religion-inspired hatred, terrorism and politics. The story of Buddhadasa's rediscovery of the Buddha's original insight will be a natural way to begin.

  • NF—>PS: Collaboration and the Future of Politics

The story here is really about the power structure as a model of the intuitive notion of "power holder" or "enemy", and the various consequences of this view. The long story made short—we will here talk about the possibility of transcending the "us against them" approach to political thought and action altogether; and developing an approach where all of us collaborate to find remedies to the power structure issue. The context for this timely effort is here provided by combining the (resolution to) narrow frame issue, where (instead of reifying the age-old patterns of thought and action) we create completely new ways of seeing and speaking; and the (resolution to) power structure issue, where we see that our common future lies in the re-creation of "the systems in which we live and work", by being the new systems.