Holotopia: Socialized reality

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H O L O T O P I A:    F I V E    I N S I G H T S

The Enlightenment replaced one foundation stone (faith in the tradition, represented by the Scriptures), by another (trust in reason, empowered by knowledge)—and "a great cultural revival" was the result. Are the conditions ripe for a similar change today?

We will here be talking about "the core of our proposal"—about changing our very relationship with information.

"Reality" is a shaky foundation

"Correspondence with reality" cannot be verified. The very idea that what we see or experience or grasp by an "aha experience" corresponds to reality tends to be a product of illusion.

Why base our pursuit of knowledge—an all-important human activity—on a criterion that cannot be verified; and which itself tends to be a product of illusion?

To federate this point of view we provide two quotations. The first one is by Einstein and Infeld, from "The Evolution of Physics"; the second one is from Einstein's "Remarks on Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge". Both are presented here.

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