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H O L O T O P I A:    F I V E    I N S I G H T S

Science gave us a completely new way to look at the world. It gave us powers that the people in Galilei's time couldn't dream of. What might be the theme of the next revolution of this kind?

Science was developed as a way to find causal explanations of natural phenomena. Consequently, it has served us well for some purposes (such as developing science and technology) and poorly for others (such as developing culture).

But its main disadvantage in the role of 'headlights' is that it constitutes a 'hammer'; it coerces the creative elite to look for the 'nail'—and ignore the needs of people and society.

This is not an argument against science.

Science has served us most excellently in the role which it was created for. And there is no reason to believe that it will not continue to do so.

Our theme here is how we, contemporary humans, go about creating truth (what we collectively believe in) and meaning, about the matters of which our daily life and interests are composed. And also those other matters, which demand our attention, but remain ignored.

We have an urgent need—for orientation, and for guidance

In all walks of life—so that we may see things as we need to see them; and direct our efforts productively, and wisely.

Our point of departure is an easy observation—that nobody really thought about, and created, the way we create truth and meaning about the matters that matter. What we have, and use, is a patchwork made out of ideas from the 19th century science, when our trust in tradition was shaken, and our trust in science prevailed. A belief lingers that something is trustworthy, true, legitimate or real, (only) if it is "scientifically proven".

Our point will be that we can do better than that.

And that our task at hand, our pursuit of "cultural revival", demands that we do better than that.

To be continued