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<div class="col-md-3"><h2><em>Information holon</em></h2></div>
<div class="col-md-7"><h3>A core academic challenge</h3>
<p>Consider the <em>academia</em> as a <em>system</em>: It has a vast heritage to take care of, and make use of. Selected creative people come in. They are given certain tools to work with, certain ways how to work, certain communication tools that will take their results and turn them into socially useful effect. How effective, and efficient, is the whole thing as a system? Is it taking advantage of the invaluable (especially in this time when our urgent need is creative change) resources that have been entrusted to it?</p>
<p>Enter information technology...</p>
<p>The big point here is that the <em>academia</em>'s <em>primary</em> responsibility or accountability is for the system as a whole, and for each of its components. The <em>academia</em> had an asset, let's call him Pierre Bourdieu. This person was given a format to write in—which happened to be academic books and articles. He was given a certain language to express himself in. <em>How good</em> are those tools? <em>Could there be</em> answers to this question (which the <em>academi</em> has, btw, not yet asked in any real way) that are incomparably, by orders of magnitude, better than what the <em>academia</em> of his time afforded to Bourdieu? And to everyone else, of course.</p> 
<h3>A way to solution</h3>
<p>Our situation with knowledge has an illuminating precedent in the history of computing, from which the Object Oriented Methodology and other software design methodologies resulted (see it summaried [https://holoscope.info/2019/02/07/knowledge-federation-dot-org/#InformationHolon here].</p>
<p>The <em>information holon</em> is offered as a counterpart to "object" in object oriented methodology.</p> <p>The Information <em>idogram</em>, shown on the right, explains its principle of operation.</p>
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<p>The <em>ideogram</em> shows an "i", which stands for "information", as composed of a circle placed on top of a square. The square stands for the details; and also for looking at a theme of choice from all sides, by using diverse <em>kinds of</em> sources and resources. The circle, or the dot on the "i", stands for the function or the point of it all. That might be an insight into the nature of a situation; or a rule of thumb, pointing to a general way to handle situations of a specific kind; or a project, which implements such handling.</p>
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<small>Information <em>ideogram</em></small>
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<p>By showing the circle as <em>founded</em> on the square, the Information <em>ideogram</em> points to <em>knowledge federation</em> as a social process (the 'principle of operation' of the socio-technical 'lightbulb'), by which the insights, principles, strategic handling and whatever else may help us understand and take care of our increasingly complex world are kept consistent with each other, and with the information we own. </p>
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Revision as of 13:15, 1 June 2020

H O L O T O P I A:    F I V E    I N S I G H T S

Science gave us a completely new way to look at the world. It gave us powers that the people in Galilei's time couldn't dream of. What might be the theme of the next revolution of this kind?

Science was developed as a way to find causal explanations of natural phenomena. Consequently, it has served us well for some purposes (such as developing science and technology) and poorly for others (such as developing culture).

But the main disadvantage of science in the role of 'headlights' is that it constitutes a 'hammer'; it coerces the creative elite to look for the 'nail'—instead of creating what the people and the society need.

To be continued