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You are about to board a bus for a long night ride, when you notice the flickering streaks of light emanating from two wax candles, placed where the headlights of the bus are expected to be. Candles? As headlights?

Of course, the idea of candles as headlights is absurd. So why propose it? Because on a much larger scale this absurdity has become reality.

The Modernity ideogram renders the essence of our contemporary situation by depicting our society as an accelerating bus without a steering wheel, and the way we look at the world, try to comprehend and handle it as guided by a pair of candle headlights.

Modernity.jpg Modernity ideogram

Our proposal

In a nutshell

The core of our knowledge federation proposal is to change the relationship we have with information.

What is our relationship with information presently like?

Here is how Neil Postman described it:

"The tie between information and action has been severed. Information is now a commodity that can be bought and sold, or used as a form of entertainment, or worn like a garment to enhance one's status. It comes indiscriminately, directed at no one in particular, disconnected from usefulness; we are glutted with information, drowning in information, have no control over it, don't know what to do with it."

Neil Postman

In detail

What would information be like if we treated it as we treat other human-made things—by adapting it to the purposes that need to be served?

The substance of our knowledge federation proposal is a complete prototype—by which the proposed modernization of our handling of information is made concrete, and practically realizable.

What consequences will knowledge federation have? How will information be different? How will it be used? By what methods, what social processes, and by whom will it be created? What new information formats will emerge, and supplement or replace the traditional books and articles? How will information technology be adapted? What will public informing be like? And academic communication, and education? The proposed prototype includes detailed answers to those and other related questions.

An application

The situation we are in

The Club of Rome's assessment of the situation we are in, provided us with a benchmark challenge for putting the proposed ideas to a test. Four decades ago—based on a decade of this global think tank's research into the future prospects of mankind, in a book titled "One Hundred Pages for the Future"—Aurelio Peccei issued the following call to action:

"It is absolutely essential to find a way to change course."

Peccei also specified what needed to be done to "change course":

"The future will either be an inspired product of a great cultural revival, or there will be no future."

Aurelio Peccei

This conclusion, that our present crisis has cultural roots and must be handled accordingly, Peccei shared with a number of twentieth century's thinkers. Arne Næss, Norway's esteemed philosopher, reached it on different grounds, and called it "deep ecology".

In "Human Quality", Peccei explained his call to action as follows:

"Let me recapitulate what seems to me the crucial question at this point of the human venture. Man has acquired such decisive power that his future depends essentially on how he will use it. However, the business of human life has become so complicated that he is culturally unprepared even to understand his new position clearly. As a consequence, his current predicament is not only worsening but, with the accelerated tempo of events, may become decidedly catastrophic in a not too distant future. The downward trend of human fortunes can be countered and reversed only by the advent of a new humanism essentially based on and aiming at man’s cultural development, that is, a substantial improvement in human quality throughout the world."

The Club of Rome insisted that lasting solutions would not be found by focusing on specific problems, but by transforming the condition from which they all stem, which they called "problematique".

Can the proposed 'headlights' help us "find a way to change course"?

Why did Peccei's call to action remain unanswered? Why wasn't The Club of Rome's purpose—to illuminate the course our civilization has taken—served by our society's regular institutions, as part of their function? Isn't this already showing that we are 'driving with candle headlights'?

If we used knowledge federation to 'illuminate the way'—what difference would that make?

What new "course" would be visible?

We call it the holotopia.

The Holotopia project, which is described on these pages, is conceived as a knowledge federation-based response to Aurelio Peccei's call to action.

A vision

The holotopia is not a utopia

Since Thomas More coined the term and offered the first utopia, a number of visions of an ideal but non-existing social and cultural order of things have been proposed. But in view of harsh and contrasting realities, the word "utopia" acquired the meaning of an unrealizable fancy.

As the optimism regarding our future faded, apocalyptic or "dystopian" visions became common. The "protopias" emerged as a compromise, where the focus is on smaller but practically realizable improvements.

The holotopia is different in spirit from them all. It is a more attractive vision of the future than what the common utopias offered—whose authors either lacked the information to see what was possible, or lived in the times when the resources we have did not yet exist. And yet the holotopia is readily realizable—because we already have the information and other resources that are needed for its fulfillment.

The goal of the Holotopia project is to begin to implement this vision in practice—by creating a suitable real-life instance or prototype.

Making things whole

What do we need to do to change course toward the holotopia?

From a comprehensive body of insights from which the holotopia emerges as a realistic new course, we have distilled a simple principle or rule of thumb—making things whole. And we suggested that principle by the holotopia's very name.

We must see ourselves as parts in a larger whole; and act in ways that make this larger whole more whole.

You will recognize that this principle is also suggested by the Modernity ideogram: Instead of reifying our institutions and professions, and merely acting in them competitively to improve "our own" situation or condition, we consider ourselves and what we do as functional elements in a larger system or systems; and we self-organize, and act, as it may best suit their, and our, wholeness.

Imagine if academic and other knowledge-workers collaborated to serve and develop planetary wholeness – what magnitude of benefits would result!

Seeing things whole

To make things whole, we must be able to see things whole.

To highlight that the approach to information we are proposing affords that very capability, it In the context of the holotopia we refer to it by its pseudonym holoscope.

The specific characteristics of this approach—the design choices, how they follow from published insights, and why they are necessary to 'illuminate the way'—will become obvious in the course of this presentation. One of them, however, must be made clear from the start.

Holoscope ideogram

If we consider as "true" only that which fits into our conventional "reality picture" or paradigm, then whatever challenges it will be perceived as "controversial". In the holoscope, the co-existence of a multiplicity of views, even when they might appear to contradict one another, is axiomatic. Those views are not considered as competing or contradictory "reality pictures", but as legitimate ways to look the whole, necessary if we should see it from all sides, and correctly assess its condition.

By allowing for a multiplicity of views, we also give ignored but potentially transformative ideas 'citizenship rights'.

Knowledge federation can then be understood as collective thinking or sense making, or as a social process that keeps those multiple views coherent with one another; and of course also with academic and other insights; and with the people's and the society's contemporary needs.

Thinking differently

That “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them" is a commonplace. The key novelty in the holoscope is free and deliberate choice of what we look at and how, which in our technical jargon is called scope.

To liberate our thinking from the narrow frame of inherited concepts and habits, or metaphorically, to replace 'candle headlights' by a method that allows for deliberate choice of scopes, we used "the scientific method" as venture point, and modified it by taking recourse to insights reached in the sciences.

Science gave us new ways to look at the world: The telescope and the microscope enabled us to see the things that are too distant or too small to be seen by the naked eye, and our vision expanded beyond bounds. But science had the tendency to keep us focused on things that were either too distant or too small to be relevant—compared to all those large things or issues nearby, which now demand our attention. The holoscope is conceived as a way to look at the world that helps us see any chosen thing or theme as a whole—from all sides; and in proportion.

Looking at all sides

Scopes that illuminate the entire whole from a specific angle are called aspects. As suggested by the Holoscope ideogram, the art of using the holoscope will to a large degree consist in finding a suitable collection of aspects—so that each of them alone gives a simple and clear view of the whole; while when combined together, they show the whole from all sides, and reveal its structure and condition.

Five Insights ideogram

A vision made concrete

The holotopia vision is made concrete in terms of five insights. They are the 'engine' that 'drives' the holotopia to its destination.

The five insights are the result of looking at five selected main aspects of our contemporary condition. Of looking beyond the apparent problems, and illuminating deeper structural defects that either created them, or prevented us from solving them.

We could have also called them "five issues"—which we are proposing as completely new ways to direct our efforts, incomparably more effective and productive than the still common "problem solving" in the context of the existing systemic solutions (or metaphorically, by driving with 'candle headlights'). As we shall see, each of them is an issue that can be resolved.

Our proposal is not to replace the problem-based approaches—but to dramatically increase their chances to succeed.

We might have also called them "five anomalies"—since each demands a deep or "paradigm" change in its specific domain.

We shall see that each of those issues has been reported—and that the solutions have at least in principle been proposed—characteristically a half-century ago.

And consequently that Postman was right in observing that "the tie between information and action has been severed".

Power structure

"Man has acquired such decisive power that his future depends essentially on how he will use it", observed Peccei. We look at the way in which man uses his newly acquired power and rapidly growing power—to create, and induce change. We illuminate the way in which our culture is evolving. (Let's agree to attribute to culture a general meaning, which includes the systems in which we live and work as culture's 'hardware'.)

Revolutions often involve a new understanding of the issues of power and freedom; the holotopia is not an exception. So imagine if some sinister power took control over our culture's evolutionary course, and drives it toward a disaster. Power structure is that power. A salient characteristic of this new way of perceiving this perennial issue is that no conspiracy is needed; only our usual "values"—"doing our job" or "minding our business" within our professions or institutions as they are, and performing in them competitively.

We shall see that the power structures wasted a lion's share of our time, money and other resources; </div> </div>

The "solutionatique"

<p>Already in 1964, four years before The Club of Rome was established, Margaret Mead wrote:

"(W)e are living in a period of extraordinary danger, as we are faced with the possibility that ourwhole species will be eliminated from the evolutionary scene. One necessary condition of successfully continuing our existence is the creation of an atmosphere of hope that the huge problems now confronting us can, in fact, be solved—and can be solved in time."


<p>But what is "the solution"? Can we even conceive of a form it may have?</p>

Margaret Mead

<p>The course of action that follows is to make structural changes that led to problems. Or to make structural changes in institutions that will enable solutions.</p> <p>When that is done, the result is far more than just solutions to problems; it is a dramatic and sweeping improvement in the condition we've learned to perceive as "the reality". And an unleashing of creativity in a completely new direction.</p>

<p>The five insights are conceived as a prototype answer.</p> <p>Each of the insights reveals a deep structural problem, or technically an "anomaly", dwarfing our efforts to improve our condition, in a pivotal area:

  • The way we use our creativity, our capacity to induce change through technology and innovation
  • The way in which knowledge is created, and information technology used
  • The foundations on which we handle and evaluate information and knowledge, and create truth and meaning
  • The method by which truth and meaning are created
  • The values we serve, which we use to "pursue happiness"

<p>By discussing the five insights, we see how completely new ideas about power and politics, democracy (...) are ready to emerge.</p>

Great cultural revival

<p>Each of them is solvable—and we indeed show steps already made toward its solution, as specific prototypes within the Knowledge Federation prototype. </p>

<p>When Peccei talked about "a great cultural revival", he was referring to the Renaissance—the historical moment when a comprehensive change of the human systems was under way. We refer to it by using the symbolic image of Galilei in house arrest—and carefully develop an analogy between that and our present condition. </p>

<p>The five insights show why a similar change is ready to take place once again, by elaborating on the analogy between our time and conditions, and the five specific changes the historical comprehensive change was composed of:

  • The Industrial Revolution, made possible by a revolution in science and innovation
  • The revolution in communication, made possible by the printing press
  • The revolution in epistemology, enabled by the empowerment of human reason to explore and comprehend the world
  • The revolution in our ability to explore and comprehend the world, made possible by the emergence of science
  • The revolution in lifestyle and in arts, happened as the preoccupation with the afterlife lost its hold


A strategy

The sixth insight

<p>The anomalies the five insights point to, and the corresponding solutions, are so closely inter-related that taking care of one necessitates resolving the others. In this way the sixth insight is reached:

Comprehensive change can be easy—even when smaller and obviously necessary changes may have proven impossible.


The holotopia strategy

<p>The holotopia strategy, as suggested by its name, is to focus on changing the entire order of things from which our problems emanate. Exactly as The Club of Rome recommended.</p>

We begin with information

<p>Just as building a house must begin with the foundations, changing the whole order of things has its own natural order in which it needs to proceed. As the Modernity ideogram suggested, to change course, we must begin by changing the illumination source, so that the new course may become visible. In the "Age of Information", re-branded "Anthropocene", we urgently need the kind of information that can illuminate the way.</p>

<p>When the evidence offered on these pages has been considered, it will be clear why holotopia is not only "the new black"—but also the new red; and the new green!</p>

We transcend the borderlines

Holotopia turns the five insights into art.

<p>Imagine Michelangelo in Sistine Chapel—in the midst of the old planting seeds for the new. The Holotopia is an art project—where art once again recreates itself to recreate the world.</p>

<p>The key turns out to be to transform the 'candles'.</p>

The key is the relationship we have with information

<p>We transcend the borderlines between academic disciplines, and other cultural traditions. Also—between art and science. We combine and engage all resources.</p> <p>In the context of our proposal—the Holotopia prototype completes it—by giving it an agency. A way to impact the world, and make a difference.</p>

We create a 'showball'

<p>Well before Peccei, Mead pointed to the critical task at hand:</p>

"Although tremendous advances in the human sciences have been made in the last hundred years, almost no advance has been made in their use, especially in ways of creating reliable new forms in which cultural evolution can be directed to desired goals."

<p>Mead's best known motto is encouraging:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


<p>Mead's most important legacy to the Holotopia project is the "small print"—her more sober words, regarding what constitutes "a small group of... citizens" that are capable of making such a large difference:</p>

<p>(W)e take the position that the unit of cultural evolution is neither the single gifted individual nor the society as a whole but the small group of interacting individuals who, together with the most gifted among them, can take the next step; then we can set about the task of creating the conditions in which the appropriately gifted can actually make a contribution. That is, rather than isolating potential "leaders," we can purposefully produce the conditions we find in history, in which clusters are formed of a small number of extraordinary and ordinary men [and women], so related to their period and to one another that they can consciously set about solving the problems they propose for themselves."</p>

<p>As the five insights show, we already "know" what needs to be done—and we've "known" that for a half-century. The problem we have is that we, the rest of us, have been wet wood refusing to catch fire. And that our communication is such that we do not really know what we are supposed to know.</p> <p>The immediate goal of Holotopia project is to change that.</p> <p>We are creating a 'snowball'—where the dynamic is entirely different. And we are implementing a strategy by which this dynamic can spread, and scale globally.</p> <p>The Holotopia project can be understood as a co-creative strategy game—to induce change.</p>

<p>Our immediate call to action is an invitation to make an inner all-important step: To consider holotopia as your project, not ours. By seeing yourself as part of the larger whole—and contributing accordingly—you will already be in holotopia</p> <p>In Norwegian language there is a word, "dugnad" (pronounced as "dügnad"), for the kind of collective event that may be organized by the people in the neighborhood, to collect fallen branches and trash and do small repairs in the commons—and then share a meal and get to know each other.</p> <p>It is the spirit of dugnad we are inviting you to emulate.</p>